Back to Course Grade 6- Natural Science 0% Complete 0/0 Steps Seat Academy Live Class Timetable 1 Lesson Grade 6 Live Class Timetable TERM 1 7 Lessons week1,lesson1,photosynthesis week 1,lesson 2,classification of food groups Food web and food chain Life cycles NST informal test 1 Exam preparation and scope NST rewrite submission TERM 2 2 Lessons Term 2 NST take home pack GR6 NST PRACTICAL SUBMISSION PORTAL TERM 2 CONTENT 2 Lessons GR6 NST BOOKLET GR6 NST WEEKLY LIST GUIDE GR6 NST June Exam Submission Portals TERM 3 SUBMISSION PORTALS 3 Lessons Grade 6 NST practical task (submission)12 September Gr6 Nst Term 2 Rewrite Submission Portal grade 6 nst term3 rewrite Term 3 content 2 Lessons Scope Content playlist TERM 4 SUBMISSIONS 2 Lessons NST GRADE 6 EXAM SUBMISSIONS NST GRADE 6 RE-WRITE SUBMISSIONS Quiz 1 of 0 Next→ Quiz